Mission, Collaboration; Name Change
Since January, Greater Lansing Area Clean Cities (GLACC) has been holding strategic conversations with our board of directors toward effective support of fleets across the state. We have also been working with Clean Fuels Ohio through the Clean Cities network “mentoring” initiative to learn from their experience expanding from a Columbus-based organization to serving the entire state. What’s next? This fall, GLACC will become Michigan Clean Cities to better reflect our statewide focus. Partnerships with Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision and other regional organizations will increase our coalition’s reach, support, and impact to increase energy, environmental, and economic security in Michigan through a shift to clean, domestic fuels for transportation.
Events, Webinars
On August 27, 2021 from 11AM to 2PM, join Michigan Clean Cities to celebrate Traverse City Light & Power’s new electric vehicle charging stations. These “filling stations” allow for plug-in electric vehicles to fill their “tanks” at a variety of locations throughout Traverse City. The ribbon cutting event with EV showcase to include a Ford Mustang MachE, Chrysler EVs, and Toyota Rav4 EV will be held at Clinch Park. RSVP to contact@michigancleancities.org or, just come on out day-of!
In September, Michigan Clean Cities will participate with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Catalyst Communities initiative. Clean Cities will deliver information on tools and resources (and how to use them!) to make it easier for municipalities in Michigan to adopt clean fuels and vehicles. Date TBD at time of publication. Follow this link to learn more about EGLE’s Catalyst Communities initiative.
National Drive Electric Week events will be hosted or co-hosted by Michigan Clean Cities between September 25 and October 3, 2021 in Detroit, Lansing, and Ann Arbor (MEAA event). Watch for details at www.michigancleancities.org or reach out to contact@michigancleancities.org to participate.
Michigan Clean Cities has been working with the Michigan to Montana Alt Fuel and EV Corridor project coordinated by Gas Technology Institute since 2016 to prepare for and help develop alt fuel and EV fueling along I-94 from Port Huron, MI to Billings, MT. This project runs through 2021 – watch michigancleancities.org and follow https://twitter.com/M2MCorridor to learn about the latest station installations to support commercial vehicles and household vehicles looking to use clean fuels.
We’re also proud to have helped Michigan Department of Transportation secure new electric vehicle and alternative fuel corridor designations under a U.S. Federal Highways Administration initiative. I-75, US-31, and I-96 are among the newly designated EV and Alt Fuel corridors.