By Maggie Striz Calnin, Director
The chatter about the multitude of federal grant programs can easily become a cacophony as the details of what the money is for and who can apply for it create confusion. Michigan Clean Cities coalition staff are here to help, and it’s not too late to get clear on how to seek investment in your project. Looking at two specific funding programs, the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program and the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program, MICC will share what you can do to avoid missing out . In our November, December, and January blog series, we’ll offer scenarios to help you think about how your project can fit into these programs.
Let’s start you off with some background information on two programs. The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant Program and the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program offer key ways to see your project realized.
The CFI program offers federal grants to pay for up to 80 percent of the cost of EV charging stations for public use and/or for alternative fuel stations for commercial vehicle use, and funding is targeted at locations convenient for in-town travel. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) will announce CFI round one awardees in November 2023. The NEVI program offers federal grants to pay for up to 80 percent of the cost of electric vehicle charging stations along interstate highways. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will announce NEVI round one awardees in January 2024.
You likely fit into one (or more) of the follow scenarios, so we’ve laid them out here to guide your reading for the coming blog series. As you read the blogs (or before) reach out to talk about your plans and learn what resources may be able to help you make them real.
Scenario A. I want to start using low-emission vehicles, but need a creative way to share the costs of fueling/charging (November 30 blog).
Scenario B. I am a small municipality with limited staff and time to seek and apply for grants, but our residents want EV charging at/near public buildings and parks (December 15 blog).
Scenario C. I want to improve (or develop) my building, stay modern, and draw people in (January 10 blog).
Check back monthly to read these pieces and more!